SaltStack Cheat Sheet

Documentation on the system

salt '*' sys.doc         # output sys.doc (= all documentation)
salt '*' sys.doc pkg     # only sys.doc for pkg module
salt '*' sys.doc network # only sys.doc for network module
salt '*' sys.doc system  # only sys.doc for system module
salt '*' sys.doc status  # only sys.doc for status module

Documentation on the web


In order to run, Salt needs to keep open the following communication ports

iptables rules

iptables -A INPUT -m state --state new -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4505 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state new -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4506 -j ACCEPT

Persist across system restarts

iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules


Minion status

You can also use several commands to check if minions are alive and kicking but I prefer manage.status/up/down.

salt-run manage.status  # What is the status of all my minions? (both up and down)
salt-run manage.up      # Any minions that are up?
salt-run manage.down    # Any minions that are down?
salt-run manage.alived  # Show all alive minions
salt '*' test.version   # Display salt version
salt '*'      # Use test module to check if minion is up and responding.
                        # (Not an ICMP ping!)


There are many different ways to match with a minion, some of them are presented here

salt \*                 # Match all minions
salt \*     # Match all minions in the domain
salt 'db[1-3]'          # Match the DB1 throught DB3 servers
salt -E 'db1-(dev|qa)'  # Match db1 server for both DEV and QA based on a regexp
salt -L 'db1, web[1-2]'           # Match based on a list
salt -G os:CentOS       # Match based on a grain (in this case the OS)

Target minion with state files

Look at the SLS files

salt 'minion1' state.show_sls some_sls	# Parse and show SLS file

Apply a specific state file to a (group of..) minion(s). Do not use the .sls extension. (just like in the state files!)

salt '*' state.sls mystatefile          # mystatefile.sls will be applied to *
salt 'minion1' state.sls prod.somefile  # prod/somefile.sls will be applied to minion1

Apply a state in debug mode

salt '*' state.apply state -l debug

Test a SLS before apply and print only differences (--output-diff)

salt '\*' state.apply state test=true --output-diff

Or bring the specified target to the highstate

salt 'minion1' state.highstate          # Apply hihgstate over matching minions


List all grains on all minions

salt '*'

Look at a single grains item to list the values.

salt '*' grains.item os      # Show the value of the OS grain for every minion
salt '*' grains.item roles   # Show the value of the roles grain for every minion

Manipulate grains.

salt 'minion1' grains.setval mygrain True  # Set mygrain to True (create if it doesn't exist yet)
salt 'minion1' grains.delval mygrain       # Delete the value of the grain


Look at pillars and get values

salt 'minion1' pillar.get pillar              # Get pillar
salt 'minion1' pillar.get pkg:apache:version  # Get an specific pillar
salt 'minion1' pillar.item pillar             # Print pillar items
salt 'minion1'                      # Show available main keys

salt '*' pillar.get pkg:apache          # Show pkg:apache pillar
salt '*' pillar.file_exists foo/bar.sls # Return true if pillar file exist
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar        # Reload pillars

Jobs in Salt

Some jobs operations that are often used. (

salt-run                      # get list of active jobs
salt-run jobs.list_jobs                   # get list of historic jobs
salt-run jobs.lookup_jid <job id number>  # get details of this specific job

Sysadmin specific

Some stuff that is specifically of interest for sysadmins.

Salt file server

salt 'web\*' cp.get_file salt://nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf      # Copy nginx.conf to all web* matching
salt 'web01' cp.get_file_str /etc/nginx/nginx.conf                          # Displays the content of nginx.conf
salt 'web01' cp.get_template salt://nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf  # Similar to get_file but execute the templating system
salt 'web01' cp.get_dir salt://etc/nginx/ /etc/nginx/                       # Copy a directory of files from master to minion

Managing users and groups

salt '*' user.add tty0 groups=sudos,dialout # Creates tty0 user and add it to sudo and dialout group
salt '*' group.add webmasters               # Creates webmaster group
salt '*' tty0                     # Individual user information
salt '*' user.list_users                    # List users on systems

Running commands

salt '*' 'dmesg'              # Run a command on the minions
salt '*' cmd.script '/tmp/'  # Execute a script on the minion and return the output

NGINX specfic commands

salt '*' nginx.configtest     # Test configuration syntax
salt '*' nginx.signal reload  # Reload NGINX configuration sending a SIGNHUP
salt '*' nginx.status         # Print NGINX status
salt '*' nginx.version        # Pritn NGINX version

MYSQL specific commands

salt 'minion1' mysql.db_create 'dbname'                            # Create DB
salt 'minion1' mysql.db_exists 'dbname'                            # Check if DB exists
salt 'minion1' mysql.db_list                                       # Return a list of databases
salt 'minion1' mysql.db_remove 'dbname'                            # Remove dbname
salt 'minion1' mysql.db_tables 'database'                          # List tables in a given database
salt 'minion1' mysql.file_query mydb file_name=salt://sqlfile.sql` # Load queries from a given file
salt 'minion1' mysql.file_query mydb file_name=/tmp/sqlfile.sql    # Load queries from a given local file
salt 'minion1' mysql.get_master_status                             # Gets master status
salt 'minion1' mysql.get_slave_status                              # Gets slave status
salt 'minion1' mysql.showvariables                                 # Show MySQL variables
salt 'minion1' mysql.slave_lag                                     # Show replication lag
salt 'minion1' mysql.status                                        # Show MySQL status
salt '*' mysql.query mydb "UPDATE mytable set myfield=1 limit 1".  # Executes a query
salt '*' mysql.user_create 'username' 'hostname' 'password'        # Creates MySQL user
salt '*' mysql.user_info root localhost                            # Display user info
salt '*' mysql.user_list                                           # List MySQL users
salt '*' mysql.user_remove frank localhost                         # Remove MySQL user

System and status

salt 'minion-x-*' system.reboot       # Let's reboot all the minions that match minion-x-*
salt '*' status.uptime                # Get the uptime of all our minions

Or work with process and check filesystems

salt '*' ps.num_cpus                                  # List number of CPU in the minion
salt '*' ps.disk_usage /home                          # Print disk usage for /home partition
salt '*' ps.disk_partitions                           # Return a list of disk partitions and their device, 
                                                      # mount point, and filesystem type.
salt '*' ps.get_users                                 # Return logged users
salt 'minion' ps.kill_pid pid [signal=signal_number]  # Send kill signal to an specific PID
salt '*' ps.psaux www-data.+apache2                   # Return process matching with the string


salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades              # get a list of packages that need to be upgrade
salt '*' pkg.upgrade                    # Upgrades all packages via apt-get dist-upgrade (or similar)
salt '*' pkg.lig_pkgs                   # List all installed packages

salt '*' pkg.version bash               # get current version of the bash package
salt '*' pkg.install bash               # install or upgrade bash package
salt '*' pkg.install bash refresh=True  # install or upgrade bash package but
                                        # refresh the package database before installing.

Programming languages specific packages

Using PIP

salt '*' pip.install <package name>,<package2 name> # Installs packages based on a list using PIP
salt '*' pip.list salt                              # Display matching package
salt '*' pip.upgrade                                # Upgrade outdated PIP packages
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name>               # Uninstall matching package

Using NPM

salt '*' npm.install coffee-script                  # Installs package using NPM
salt '*' npm.install coffee-script@1.0.1            # Installs a specific version
salt '*' npm.list                                   # List installed packages
salt '*' npm.uninstall  coffee-script               # Uninstall a package
salt '*' npm.cache_clean                            # Clean NPM cache

Check status of a service and manipulate services

salt '*' service.status <service name>
salt '*' service.available <service name>
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
salt '*' service.start <service name>
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
salt '*' service.disable <service name>


Do some network stuff on your minions.

salt 'minion1' network.arp                      # Get the ARP table
salt 'minion1' network.ip_addrs                 # Get IP of your minion
salt 'minion1' <hostname>          # Ping a host from your minion
salt 'minion1' network.traceroute <hostname>    # Traceroute a host from your minion
salt 'minion1' network.get_hostname             # Get hostname
salt 'minion1' network.mod_hostname             # Modify hostname


Salt Cloud

Salt Cloud is used to provision virtual machines in the cloud. (surprise!) (

salt-cloud -p profile_do my-vm-name -l debug  # Provision using profile_do as profile
                                              # and my-vm-name as the virtual machine name while
                                              # using the debug option.
salt-cloud -d my-vm-name                      # destroy the my-vm-name virtual machine.
salt-cloud -u                                 # Update salt-bootstrap to latest develop version on GitHub.

Salt keys

Accept or deny a minion to connecting master based on the public key.

The AES key is changed every 24 hours by default or when a minion has been deleted.

Salt minion keys can be in one of the following states:

To change the state of a minion key, use -d to delete the key and then accept or reject the key.

The pki_dir is a configurable directory on /etc/salt/pki/minion/. The minions directory contains:

salt-key -l 	        # List the public keys
salt-key -L 	        # List all public keys 
salt-key -a 'minion1'	# Accept minion1 public key
salt-key -A 	        # Accept ALL public keys
salt-key -r	        	# Reject a public key
salt-key -R		        # Reject ALL public keys
salt-key -p		        # Print the specified public key
salt-key -P		        # Print all public keys
salt-key -d 'minion1' # Delete minion1 public key
salt-key -D           # Delete ALL public keys
salt-key -f master    # Get the public signature for your local master


The Salt formulas repository:

spm install apache      # Install the apache formula
spm remove apache       # Remove apache formula

Installing a local formula

spm local install /srv/spm/apache-201506-1.spm

Building a formula

spm build /path/to/saltstack-formulas/apache-formula

After repository configuration, you need to update the metadata placed on /var/cache/salt/spm

spm update_repo

SPM logs are placed on /var/log/salt/spm directory and the database who store the packages installed on the system is on /var/cache/salt/spm/packages.db.